Monday, February 1, 2010

Definition Of Tender Breast What Would Be A Good Definition For Tender Breasts?

What would be a good definition for tender breasts? - definition of tender breast

How does it feel wrong to have her breasts or nipples?


P S said...

Susceptibility of the breasts are swollen breasts. As a rule, just before the period your breasts are tender. Simply some cold compresses on them or take a hot bath. If within one or two days. Meanwhile, good for you!

college gurl said...

it hurts like hell is to be touched by anything, so it makes me want to cry

Ben Wa said...

and even my girlfriend's breasts in a car door caught when he into the car to talk to people and someone thought it would be fun to close the door ... I guess it was not fun for everyone .... B increased from 34 to 34 DD Overnite, black and blue, and I could not touch weeks .... I think it would be a good definition of breast tenderness .... At least, said they were in competition

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